🎂 A Cheery bundle of Twinkees..

Please meet my new hug of Twinkees!

From left to to right there is Lion Heart, he's a Lion trapped inside a kitty's body.  Then there's Sweet Blueberry Pie, very very shy and doesn't say much but the sweetest little thing.  Then there's Candy, just Candy she says, not Candy Floss, Candy Pop and definitely NOT Candy Crush, just "Candy" she says.  Lastly, there is Candy Cotton Princess
she would like me to tell you that as sweet as she looks, she's not a consumable item mmmm k?...looking is good, cuddles are ok but no EATING please!

Such a cheerful little bundle aren't they? :D

close up of Candy (left) and Candy Cotton Princess (right)

Above is Blueberry Pie

Here's a close up of Lion Heart...


These Twinkees are now available from my Etsy shop here:  https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/JennyLovesBenny?ref=hdr_shop_menu&section_id=5808054


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